It's a strange time to be releasing an issue of Monster Children… but maybe it’s a great time to release an issue of Monster Children? It’s not like you’ve got something better to do than kick back on the couch and have a flip through the best print publication on Planet Earth (after Cat Fancy).
Speaking of locked in your house, like all businesses, MC is not immune to the current virus situation, so we're giving you the opportunity to get your hands on the magazine for whatever you think it’s worth. The regular price is $11.95, and if you want to pay that—great. But you could also pay $5 or $7 or $8.33 or $50.67 if you wanted. Or you could drop acid and pay $500K. The figure doesn’t matter. What’s important is you reading this thing and keeping independent publishing alive.
Team MC.
#PrintIsDead #LongLivePrint
Issue 66 contains the following: New Age hippie Alex Olson, not-yet-30 skate legend Austyn Gillette, Vaughan Dead goes Wave Pooling, Damon Gameau tells us how to turn around the climate crisis, artist Sean Evans gets nostalgic, and we take a look at the newest of the new music-making tech, among a bunch of other stuff. God it’s good, and you can pay what you want, like that Radiohead album.