Nora Vasconcellos Guest Edition

Hot damn, another issue - lucky #72 - knocked right out of the park. Sort of expected though considering this issue was edited, curated, and blessed by none other than the one and only, Nora Vasconcellos. For the tragically uneducated, Nora Vasconcellos is a world champion skater, the first woman in history to have an Adidas Skateboarding pro model shoe, the first and probably last skater to ever address the United Nations (the diplomatic assembly, not the Berrics series, though she is in one of those, too).  The issue is absolutely bursting with skating, surfing, bike trips, painting, lobster rolls, margaritas, cartoons, cats named Telephone, hard kombucha, arctic coolers, art from Maine to Maui, and so much more. It is perfect and expansive enough to fill that empty hole in your heart while also filling that empty hole in your bookshelf. Top to bottom, back to front, this issue is a testament to the passions and taste of someone we love. Nora V absolutely and unequivocally rips, and we are happy to have her.